Commentary: What a Great Time to Be President




Those who seek the presidency have many reasons for doing so, but anyone who seeks the nation’s highest office hopes to make his mark as a leader of our free republic. For some presidents, the times provide less difficult challenges to surmount, and history little notes their tenure; for other unfortunate souls, events overwhelm them, and their failures are duly and ruefully recorded.

The most fortunate of presidents, however, are faced with tremendous challenges and yet are still able to lead our nation in ways that transcend these trials.

For President Trump, the present challenges are transformational. To overcome them, he will continue to face fierce, unprecedented opposition from the Left who, even prior to Trump’s election have engaged in lawless, seditious activities to undermine his campaign, his legitimacy, and hamstring his administration.

This leftist opposition is not dispositive of his ruin, however. Indeed, as every leftist leader, organization, and institution sounds more and more like an MSNBC commentator, the American people will do to them what they have done to that ill-fated network: Continue to tune them out.

After all, there is a reason left-leaning networks have fewer viewers than Fox, and liberal talk radio pales before the audiences of conservative radio: Americans don’t want to hear their country and themselves slandered as immoral and evil. There are simply more Americans who want to hear that they and their country are good and decent and can accomplish great deeds.

It will require great deeds to transcend today’s immediate challenges—a pandemic, a government-mandated recession, the alarming shift from Dr. King’s dream to a separatist racial agenda; anarcho-Marxists rioting in the streets; illegal immigration; and the continuing international difficulties caused by terrorism, Iran, North Korea, Communist China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, and our continuing military presence in kinetic theaters across the world.

Yet as the ancient Chinese saying holds: in every crisis exists danger and opportunity. The Left sees only danger and despair; and they are actually exacerbating the danger and encouraging despair with their demagoguery and disorder, hoping their continued tantrum will finally be rewarded come November. In short, the Left is extorting Americans, implicitly warning that the only way to calm the country is to reward them with power.

But when one rewards bad behavior, it only guarantees more bad behavior. Should the Left win the coming election, their bad behavior will not abate. It will be institutionalized. Sovereign Americans’ power and control over their elected officials and governmental institutions and their ability to combat the increasing Stalinism on American campuses and within American corporations will erode; and our free republic will slide into despair and decline.

President Trump can and must seize the opportunity in this dangerous time. Honing in on four key issues and implementing appropriate policies to address them, President Trump can help rally the American people to greatness:

1776 not 1619

America was founded in 1776 not 1619. America’s legacy of liberty must be promoted despite and protected from the lawless Left.

The Founders knew human beings were imperfect; and admitted it when they said we must perpetually strive to form a more perfect union—not the perfect union. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. knew, it is this legacy of liberty that facilitated the progress of race relations in America by holding us to the ideal that all human beings have a God-given right to liberty and equal justice under law.

Though there has been tremendous progress, there remains much to be done. Yet, if we abandon or barter our legacy of liberty in exchange for the Left’s tendentious, Marxist critical race theory and buy the lie of systemic racism, we will sinfully squander our ability to make greater progress for all Americans. This must not happen.

Prosperity not Misery

President Trump’s policies allowed Americans to make our economy boom. Despite the Left doing everything in its power to “make America miserable again” (MAMA), America and President Trump can make our economy great again. Pimping panic porn about COVID-19 to perpetuate or reinstate lockdowns to ravage Americans’ livelihoods is the MAMA Left’s economic plan. It is designed to gain them political power at the expense of the thriving of hard working Americans. Sadly, that’s nothing new from the redistributionist Left.

The good news is that Americans are ready to restore our prosperity. With the Trump administration continuing to take on unfair trade practices of countries like communist China, and once more leveraging our legacy of liberty to free the entrepreneurial genius of Americans, our economy will boom again.

Once more, our free market will make it possible for us to see record-high employment levels for all Americans, including women and minorities. And we will see real incomes climbing for the first time in generations. The fundamentals of the American economy are strong. The resiliency of Americans is even stronger and our prosperity will return at levels higher than ever.

Americanism not Globalism 

The central tenet of the Trump candidacy and administration is bringing it all back home—be it American jobs, our troops overseas, or the power of the sovereign people to control the “swamp,” we want America to be an independent and self-governing nation. Rightly viewing the current challenges through the prism of our legacy of liberty, President Trump is hated because his goal has been to restore the power of the people over the failed elites who have run America into the ground.

These elites, both Leftists and crony Republicans, make a ton of money and other perks based upon their venal support of globalism. Consequently, we have witnessed their four-year chaotic tantrum known as #TheResistance. Of course, as is their wont, the elites blame the victim and project their chaos onto Trump. Again, the reason is to mendaciously demand the electorate discard Trump to end the chaos, without mentioning they are the driver of the chaos.

In truth, what else could these elites offer Americans? More outsourced jobs? Less control over governmental decisions? Less control over their own lives and livelihoods? More endless wars and undeclared engagements to claim the most honorable and noblest among us, our men and women in uniform?

No wonder Biden is hiding in his basement.

Show the World What We Can Do!  

At home and abroad, the Left’s Greek Chorus is in full cacophonic hue and cry that America will fail. They are wrong.

Our legacy of liberty has been and remains the true and noble cause of America’s sovereign citizens and our elected servants. We will continue to inspire the world with what our free people can achieve. For our country and President Trump, the present challenges are transformational. The question is whether the president will help us lead our nation in a way that transcends these crises and proves the doubting Leftists wrong.

The die is cast; history’s verdict pends. President Trump will either be a dismal failure or a legendary leader. Fortunately for President Trump and all the world, as at all such trying times in our exceptional nation’s history, Americans are ready to show the world what we can do!

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The Hon. Thaddeus McCotter is the former chairman of the Republican House Policy Committee, current itinerant guitarist, American Greatness contributor, and Monday co-host of the “John Batchelor Show.”






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2 Thoughts to “Commentary: What a Great Time to Be President”

  1. CCW

    Teach Proverbs in school. The words of wisdom therein are totally missing from our national discourse in these current times. Our frontal lobes need to be fed something besides “If it feels good do it”, “There are no absolute truths”, and “Hold my beer, watch this!”.

  2. Sim

    Does anything else matter when you make “GOD” your “Enemy”???

    The nation was founded and based on the Doctrine of Christianity to create a nation of “One Mind, One Accord” and a “More perfect” Nation than any before it with the help of “GOD”.

    Obviously, as the nation Fell away from God and modern Government leaders ignorant of what it takes to build a more perfect nation started approving of murder (Abortion) and all types of Sexual perversion, it destroyed the one mind, one accord among people,

    And as God said would led to the time when the hand of every man’s neighbor would be against him.

    We have Supreme Courts Judges, Senators, College Professors who could wallpaper a room with all their “Degrees”, and still doesn’t have the “Knowledge” to issue a decision that will build up rather than tear down.

    I think the first lesson taught in Headstart should be that Man doesn’t live by bread along,
    but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

    Like it or lump it, You’re going to live, and die, by what God has said.
